How Worship Leaders Can Stay Sane On the Christmas Treadmill

Reading Time: 2 minutes


We on the Worshipflow team feel your holiday chaos. Each December, despite our best plans, we worship leaders get ambushed by concerts, parties, shopping, and endless lights displays. Our calendars bulge as family wants presence while the church demands performance. We ache for the familiar rhythms of ministry unencumbered by 21 extra services littered throughout Advent. At this point in the chaotic holiday season, visions of gentle Silent Nights have been replaced by anxious thoughts of post-Christmas clean-up and storage. The realities of after-program tear-downs loom larger than the promise of heavenly peace proclaimed over two thousand years ago.

It’s certainly a struggle. We strive for excellence in ministry at the cost of rest. We love the meaning of Christmas but are ready to move on from the busy season. We want to delight our family but our schedules are already bursting. It’s certainly a difficult balance to navigate with Christmas programs on top of everything else. The extra effort is worth it for the lives that are impacted, but staying focused on the eternal purpose is a challenge.

Remember Your Purpose

In this last mile filled with more jingle than tranquility, remember Whose birthday we celebrate. Don’t let the busyness bully your connection with the Baby born that first Christmas. Carve out some silent space to let His presence infuse your holiday hustle and bustle. Stay rooted in God’s truth and promises as you weather this intense season. The gift God gave on the first Christmas can give you strength today as well. Make sure your striving in ministry stems from a heart connected to the Savior, not just checking program tasks off a list. Use this time to reflect on God’s goodness and ask for wisdom and grace for the road ahead. The baby Jesus understands the pressure you face – lay your burdens down before Him.

Don’t Forget Family

Also, don’t forget the family God gifted you to pastor. Experience some simple seasonal specialness together – hot cocoa and driving neighborhoods to take in the lights. It’s not just the epic events that become sacred memory – it’s the life shared amidst the business. Make room for small moments together as a family to step away from the pressure and just make some memories. Don’t just go through the family holiday motions to appease them – actively engage them with care and delight when you can. Show them they are still your priority, no matter what crazy deadlines you face at church. Protect your family connection with little acts of love and joy sprinkled into this intense season.

This is What You’re Called To

Remember why you lead in the first place. Many visitors only darken a church door once annually. What we do matters, friends. God chose you to sing hope this year into hardened hearts. Our efforts may not earn thanks or praise, but let God worry about the results. Just be that faithful herald He crafted you to be for such a time as this. You were prepared for this and placed here strategically to make an impact. Don’t shrink back or tap out because of exhaustion. Press on in obedience to your calling. God sees the extra effort and sacrifice you pour into the Christmas opportunity for ministry. You are planted to bear fruit – trust that God will use your acts of service and gifts of worship to stir hearts toward Him this season. It’s worth pushing through!

4 Strategies to Harness Christmas Eve’s Evangelism Powerhouse Potential
Lead Your Congregation in Deeper Worship With Christmas Hymns

This Week’s Top Songs

Keep track of the top CCLI, Praisecharts, CCM and Hymncharts along with lyrics! There’s nothing like this list on the Internet! Go to the Top Songs page.

Find Hymns That Match Your Favorite Worship Songs

Which hymns go well with Bethel’s Goodness of God? Search at HYMNDEX.COM.

YouTube Worship Playlists!

From Worshipflow editor Don Chapman:

I like to listen to Youtube videos/podcasts as I drive around and have wished I could find a good, current playlist of all the top worship songs.

I can’t find any! So I made my own on the Worshipflow Youtube channel!

You’ll find playlists for the top CCLI, Praisecharts and CCM radio hits updated every week.

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