Worship Team Greenrooms: Do You Need One?

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes at a megachurch? I’ve visited quite a few and let me tell you, some of those greenrooms are pretty nice! But before we dive in, let’s talk about why churches even have greenrooms in the first place.

Why Have a Greenroom?

If your church has multiple services that span several hours, you might need a place for your team to recharge. I remember back when I was music director at a church plant, we’d set up in a school cafeteria. There wasn’t exactly a cushy room for us to hang out in between services. We were lucky if we found a quiet corner to catch our breath!

But here’s the thing: greenrooms aren’t just about having a place to relax. They can be great for building community among your team. Imagine having a spot where folks can grab some coffee, maybe a muffin, and just chat between services. Maybe even have a short devotional. It’s not all about the amenities, though. Sometimes it’s just nice to have a place to stash your gear or do a quick warm-up without worrying about being in anyone’s way.

Do You Really Need One?

I know what some of you are thinking. “We don’t need a fancy room to recharge at church!” And you know what? You might be right. In many churches the pastor’s office doubles as a prayer room for the team. Or maybe you just mingle with the congregation between services. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Let’s face it, not every church has the space or resources for a dedicated greenroom. If you’re a smaller ministry, you might be focused on just getting through the service, let alone worrying about where your team hangs out before or after. And that’s okay!

What Should You Have in Your Greenroom?

But here’s where it gets interesting. Some churches have gone all out with their greenrooms. I’m talking full freezers, a hot breakfast and hygiene products. On the other hand, you’ve got churches that keep it simple – maybe just some water bottles and mints.

Here’s a list of items you might want to consider for your greenroom:

• Water bottles
• Coffee maker and supplies
• Snacks (granola bars, fruit, muffins)
• Comfortable seating
• A TV with live feed of the service
• Extra batteries
• In-ear monitors
• Guitar strings
• A keyboard with headphones for warm-ups
• A small fridge
• Basic hygiene products
• A coat rack or storage area for personal items
• A prayer wall or devotional materials

Maybe all your greenroom needs to be is a safe, locked room where your team can safely stash their valuables during the service. And here’s something to think about: if you’ve got 5 services on a Sunday, a greenroom might be a necessity. It’s a way to honor the sacrifice of time your volunteers are giving. They might need a place to merely take a quick cat nap!

The Bottom Line

Whatever you decide, just remember this: the point of a greenroom isn’t to create some VIP area that separates your team from everyone else. It’s about giving your volunteers a place to prepare, both practically and spiritually, for leading worship.

Does your church have a greenroom? Are you thinking about setting one up? Or do you think they’re unnecessary? Whatever your situation, just make sure you’re taking care of your team and helping them lead worship to the best of their ability.

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From Worshipflow editor Don Chapman:

I like to listen to Youtube videos/podcasts as I drive around and have wished I could find a good, current playlist of all the top worship songs.

I can’t find any! So I made my own on the Worshipflow Youtube channel!

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